All documentaton pages
"Unknown chord" for valid chords
ActiveState Perl on Microsoft Windows
Binary installation on MacOS
Binary installation on Microsoft Windows
ChordPro 5 Release Information
ChordPro 6 Release Information
ChordPro Cheat Sheet
ChordPro Configuration
ChordPro directives
ChordPro Implementation: Chords
ChordPro Implementation: Colours
ChordPro Implementation: Fonts
ChordPro markup
ChordPro related links
ChordPro: Introduction
Citrus Perl on Microsoft Windows
Configuration file contents
Configuration file contents - Delegates
Configuration file contents - Generic
Configuration file contents - Parser
Configuration for ASCII to ChordPro converter
Configuration for ChordPro output
Configuration for CSV output
Configuration for HTML output
Configuration for PDF output
Configuration: Overview
Creating a config (CLI)
Creating a config (GUI)
Custom directives
D♯ transposes to D♭ but I want C♯
Defining an instrument
Delegated environment directives
Directives: album
Directives: arranger
Directives: artist
Directives: capo
Directives: chord
Directives: chordfont, chordsize, chordcolour
Directives: chorus
Directives: chorusfont, chorussize, choruscolour
Directives: column_break
Directives: columns
Directives: comment, comment_italic and comment_box
Directives: composer
Directives: copyright
Directives: define
Directives: diagrams
Directives: duration
Directives: grid
Directives: image
Directives: key
Directives: lyricist
Directives: meta
Directives: new_page
Directives: new_physical_page
Directives: new_song
Directives: pagetype
Directives: sorttitle
Directives: start_of_abc
Directives: start_of_bridge
Directives: start_of_chorus
Directives: start_of_grid
Directives: start_of_ly
Directives: start_of_svg
Directives: start_of_tab
Directives: start_of_textblock
Directives: start_of_verse
Directives: subtitle
Directives: tabfont, tabsize, tabcolour
Directives: tempo
Directives: textfont, textsize, textcolour
Directives: time
Directives: title
Directives: titlefont, titlesize, titlecolour
Directives: titles
Directives: transpose
Directives: year
Environment directives
Frequently Asked Questions
Getting started with ChordPro
Hints and Tips
Installation on Linux
Installation on MacOS
Installation on Microsoft Windows
Installing ChordPro
Key/Value pairs
Preset configurations
Running from Git
Strawberry Perl on Microsoft Windows
The ChordPro Reference Implementation
The ChordPro Resource Directory
Trouble Shooting
User Forum
Using ChordPro
Using metadata in texts
Welcome to ChordPro!
Why can't I see my russian (vietnamese, greek, ...) characters?
Why do I not get metadata in my page headers