// Configuration for ChordPro. // // This is a relaxed JSON document, so comments are possible. { // Includes. These are processed first, before the rest of // the config file. // // "include" takes a list of either filenames or preset names. // "include" : [ "modern1", "lib/mycfg.json" ], "include" : [ "guitar" ], // General settings, often changed by configs and command line. "settings" : { // Strict behaviour. "strict" : true, // Obsolete -- lineinfo is always included. "lineinfo" : true, // Titles flush: default center. "titles" : "center", // Columns, default one. "columns" : 1, // Suppress empty chord lines. // Overrides the -a (--single-space) command line options. "suppress-empty-chords" : true, // Suppress blank lyrics lines. "suppress-empty-lyrics" : true, // Suppress chords. // Overrides --lyrics-only command line option. "lyrics-only" : false, // Memorize chords in sections, to be recalled by [^]. "memorize" : false, // Chords inline. // May be a string containing pretext %s posttext. // Defaults to "[%s]" if set to a value that doesn't contain "%s". "inline-chords" : false, // Same, for annotations. Ignored unless inline-chords is set. // Must be a string containing pretext %s posttext. // Default is "%s". "inline-annotations" : "%s", // Chords under the lyrics. "chords-under" : false, // Transposing. "transpose" : 0, // Transcoding. "transcode" : "", // Always decapoize. "decapo" : false, // Chords parsing strategy. // Strict (only known) or relaxed (anything that looks sane). "chordnames": "strict", // Allow note names in []. "notenames" : false, // Always replace chords by their canonical form. "chords-canonical" : false, // If false, chorus labels are used as tags. "choruslabels" : true, // Substitute Unicode sharp/flats in chord names. // Will fallback to ChordProSymbols the font doesn't have the glyphs. "truesf" : false, // Amount of indent for wrapped lines. Actual indent is the stringwidth. "wrapindent" : "x", // Flow text. Do not use. "flowtext" : false, }, // Metadata. // For these keys you can use {meta key ...} as well as {key ...}. // If strict is nonzero, only the keys named here are allowed. // If strict is zero, {meta ...} will accept any key. // Important: "title" and "subtitle" must always be in this list. // The separator is used to concatenate multiple values. // If autosplit is true, the separator is also used to split // values upon input. "metadata" : { "keys" : [ "title", "subtitle", "artist", "composer", "lyricist", "arranger", "album", "copyright", "year", "sorttitle", "key", "time", "tempo", "capo", "duration" ], "strict" : true, "separator" : "; ", "autosplit" : true, }, // Globally defined (added) meta data, // This is explicitly NOT intended for the metadata items above. "meta" : { // Do not remove or change this one. "_configversion" : [ "6.031" ], }, // Assets. "assets" : { }, // Dates. Format is a strftime template. "dates" : { "today" : { "format" : "%A, %B %e, %Y" } }, // User settings. These are usually set by a separate config file. // "user" : { "name" : "", "fullname" : "", }, // Instrument settings. These are usually set by a separate // config file. // "instrument" : { "type" : "", "description" : "", }, // Note (chord root) names. // Strings and tuning. "tuning" : [ "E2", "A2", "D3", "G3", "B3", "E4" ], // In case of alternatives, the first one is used for output. // Note that it is tempting to use real sharps and flats for output, // but most fonts don't have the glyphs :(. "notes" : { "system" : "common", "sharp" : [ "C", [ "C#", "Cis", "C♯" ], "D", [ "D#", "Dis", "D♯" ], "E", "F", [ "F#", "Fis", "F♯" ], "G", [ "G#", "Gis", "G♯" ], "A", [ "A#", "Ais", "A♯" ], "B", ], "flat" : [ "C", [ "Db", "Des", "D♭" ], "D", [ "Eb", "Es", "Ees", "E♭" ], "E", "F", [ "Gb", "Ges", "G♭" ], "G", [ "Ab", "As", "Aes", "A♭" ], "A", [ "Bb", "Bes", "B♭" ], "B", ], // Movable means position independent (e.g. nashville). "movable" : false, }, // User defined chords. // "base" defaults to 1. // Use 0 for an empty string, and -1 for a muted string. // "fingers" is optional. // "display" (optional) can be used to change the way the chord is displayed. "chords" : [ // { // "name" : "Bb", // "base" : 1, // "frets" : [ 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1 ], // "fingers" : [ 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1 ], // "display" : "B\u266d", // }, // If the name of the first entry is "defaults" its properties may // be used as defaults for the rest of the chords. ], // Format to show chord names. May contain markup. // "chord-format" : "%{root}%{qual|%{}}%{ext|%{}}%{bass|/%{}}", "chord-formats" : { "common" : "%{root|%{}%{qual|%{}}%{ext|%{}}%{bass|/%{}}|%{name}}", "roman" : "%{root|%{}%{qual|%{}}%{ext|%{}}%{bass|/%{}}|%{name}}", "nashville" : "%{root|%{}%{qual|%{}}%{ext|%{}}%{bass|/%{}}|%{name}}", }, // Printing chord diagrams. // "show": prints the chords used in the song. // "all": all chords used. // "user": only prints user defined chords. // "sorted": order the chords by key. // "suppress": a series of chord (names) that will not generate // diagrams, e.g. if they are considered trivial. // Note: The type of diagram (string or keyboard) is determined // by the value of "instrument.type". "diagrams" : { "show" : "all", "sorted" : false, "suppress" : [], }, // Diagnostic messages. "diagnostics" : { "format" : "\"%f\", line %n, %m\n\t%l", }, // Table of contents. "contents" : [ { "fields" : [ "songindex" ], "label" : "Table of Contents", "line" : "%{title}", "pageno" : "%{page}", "fold" : false, "omit" : false, "template" : "stdtoc", }, { "fields" : [ "sorttitle", "artist" ], "label" : "Contents by Title", "line" : "%{title}%{artist| - %{}}", "pageno" : "%{page}", "fold" : false, "omit" : false, "template" : "stdtoc", }, { "fields" : [ "artist", "sorttitle" ], "label" : "Contents by Artist", "line" : "%{artist|%{} - }%{title}", "pageno" : "%{page}", "fold" : false, "omit" : true, "template" : "stdtoc", }, ], // Table of contents, old style. // This will be ignored when new style contents is present. "toc" : { // Title for ToC. "title" : "Table of Contents", "line" : "%{title}", // Sorting order. // Currently only sorting by page number and alpha is implemented. "order" : "page", }, // Delegates. // Basically a delegate is a section {start_of_XXX} which content is // collected and handled later by the delegate module. // Note: type = "none" treats the section as a generic section, // type = "omit" ignores the section. "delegates" : { "abc" : { "type" : "image", "module" : "ABC", // Default handler "abc2svg" uses program (if set), // otherwise embedded QuickJS or external QuickJS. // Handler "quickjs_xs" uses embedded QuickJS only. // Handler "quickjs_qjs" uses external QuickJS only. // Handler "quickjs" uses internal or external QuickJS. "handler" : "abc2svg", "program" : "", // specify program tool // No longer used -- ./default.abc will be used if program tool "config" : "default", // or "none", or "myformat.fmt" // The preamble is a list of lines inserted before the ABC data, // and after the delegate supplied preamble. // DO NOT MODIFY unless you know what you are doing! "preamble" : [ // Use ChordPro fonts for lyrics and chords. "%%textfont pdf.fonts.text", "%%vocalfont pdf.fonts.text", "%%gchordfont pdf.fonts.chord", ], "preprocess" : { "abc" : [] }, }, "ly" : { "type" : "image", "module" : "Lilypond", "handler" : "ly2svg", "config" : "default", // or "none", or ... // The preamble is a list of lines inserted before the lilipond data. // This is a good place to set the version and global customizations. "preamble" : [ "\\version \"2.21.0\"", "\\header { tagline = ##f }", ], }, "svg" : { "type" : "image", "module" : "SVG", "handler" : "svg2svg", }, "textblock" : { "type" : "image", "module" : "TextBlock", "handler" : "txt2xform", }, }, // Definitions for PDF output. "pdf" : { // Choose a PDF::API2 compatible library, or leave empty to // have ChordPro choose one for you. "library" : "", // or "PDF::API2", or "PDF::Builder" // PDF Properties. Arbitrary key/values may be added. // Note that the context for substitutions is the first song. "info" : { "title" : "%{title}", "author" : "", "subject" : "", "keywords" : "", }, // Papersize, 'a4' or [ 595, 842 ] etc. "papersize" : "a4", "theme" : { // Forgeround color. Usually black. "foreground" : "black", // Shades of grey. // medium is used for pressed keys in keyboard diagrams. "foreground-medium" : "grey70", // light is used as background for comments, cell bars, ... "foreground-light" : "grey90", // Background color. Usually none or white. "background" : "none", }, // Space between columns, in pt. "columnspace" : 20, // Page margins. // Note that top/bottom exclude the head/footspace. "margintop" : 80, "marginbottom" : 40, "marginleft" : 40, "marginright" : 40, "headspace" : 60, "footspace" : 20, // Special: head on first page only, add the headspace to // the other pages so they become larger. "head-first-only" : false, // Spacings. // Baseline distances as a factor of the font size. "spacing" : { "title" : 1.2, "lyrics" : 1.2, "chords" : 1.2, "diagramchords" : 1.2, "grid" : 1.2, "tab" : 1.0, "toc" : 1.4, "empty" : 1.0, }, // Note: By setting the font size and spacing for empty lines to // smaller values, you get a fine(r)-grained control over the // spacing between the various parts of the song. // Style of chorus. "chorus" : { "indent" : 0, // Chorus side bar. // Suppress by setting offset and/or width to zero. "bar" : { "offset" : 8, "width" : 1, "color" : "foreground", }, "tag" : "Chorus", // Recall style: Print the tag using the type. // Alternatively quote the lines of the preceding chorus. "recall" : { "choruslike" : false, "tag" : "Chorus", "type" : "comment", "quote" : false, }, }, // This opens a margin for margin labels. "labels" : { // Margin width. Default is 0 (no margin labels). // "auto" will automatically reserve a margin if labels are used. "width" : "auto", // Alignment for the labels. Default is left. "align" : "left", // Alternatively, render labels as comments. "comment" : "" // "comment", "comment_italic" or "comment_box", }, // Alternative songlines with chords in a side column. // Value is the column position. // "chordscolumn" : 400, "chordscolumn" : 0, "capoheading" : "%{capo|Capo: %{}}", // A {titles: left} may conflict with customized formats. // Set to non-zero to ignore the directive. "titles-directive-ignore" : false, // Chord diagrams. // A chord diagram consists of a number of cells. // Cell dimensions are specified by "width" and "height". // The horizontal number of cells depends on the number of strings. // The vertical number of cells is "vcells", which should // be 4 or larger to accommodate most chords. // The horizontal distance between diagrams is "hspace" cells. // The vertical distance is "vspace" cells. // "linewidth" is the thickness of the lines as a fraction of "width". // Diagrams for all chords of the song can be shown at the // "top", "bottom" or "right" side of the first page, // or "below" the last song line. "diagrams" : { "show" : "bottom", "width" : 6, // width of a cell "height" : 6, // height of a cell "vcells" : 4, // vertical cells "linewidth" : 0.1, // fraction of cell width "nutwidth" : 5, // width (in linewidth) of the top nut "hspace" : 3.95, // fraction of width "vspace" : 3, // fraction of height "dotsize" : 0.8, // fraction of a cell "barwidth" : 0.8, // fraction of a dot "fingers" : true, // show fingering if available (or "below") }, // Keyboard diagrams. // A keyboard diagram consists of a number of keys. // Dimensions are specified by "width" (a key) and "height". // The horizontal distance between diagrams is "hspace" * keys * width. // The vertical distance is "vspace" * height. // "linewidth" is the thickness of the lines as a fraction of "width". // Diagrams for all chords of the song can be shown at the // "top", "bottom" or "right" side of the first page, // or "below" the last song line. "kbdiagrams" : { "show" : "bottom", "width" : 4, // of a single key "height" : 20, // of the diagram "keys" : 14, // or 7, 10, 14, 17, 21 "base" : "C", // or "F" "linewidth" : 0.1, // fraction of a single key width "pressed" : "foreground-medium", // colour of a pressed key "hspace" : 3.95, // ?? "vspace" : 0.3, // fraction of height }, // Grid section lines. // Suppress when "show" is false, e.g. for singers. // The width and colour of the cell bar lines can be specified. // Enable by setting the width to the desired width. "grids" : { "cellbar" : { "width" : 0, "color" : "foreground-medium", }, "show": true, "symbols" : { "color" : "blue", }, "volta" : { "span" : 0.7, "color" : "blue", }, }, // Even/odd pages. A value of -1 denotes odd/even pages. "even-odd-pages" : 1, // Align songs to even/odd pages. When greater than 1, force alignment. "pagealign-songs" : 1, // Sort pages by "title", "subtitle", "2page", "compact", "desc". // "sort-pages" is a Comma separated list of the options above. // title : sort pages alphabetically by title. // subtitle : sort pages alphabetically by subtitle. If this is // used together with title, only title is used. // 2page : make sure songs with even pages are placed on even // pages, so most. if not all, of the song is visible // in a normal book without needing to turn a page. // A blank page is added to align. // compact: implies 2page - instead of adding a blank page, // an odd-paged song is moved in front of this song to achieve // even page alignment. // Note: this option requires extra processing time since // the songbook has to be processed twice. // desc : modifier to sort descending. "sort-pages" : "", // PDF file to add as front matter. "front-matter" : "", // PDF file to add as back matter. "back-matter" : "", // Formats. // Pages have two title elements and one footer element. They also // can have a page of an existing PDF file as underlay (background). // Topmost is "title". It uses the "title" font as defined further below. // Second is "subtitle". It uses the "subtitle" font. // The "footer" uses the "footer" font. // All elements can have three fields, that are placed to the left side, // centered, and right side of the page. // The contents of all fields is defined below. You can use metadata // items in the fields as shown. By default, the "title" element shows the // value of metadata item "title", centered on the page. Likewise // "subtitle". // NOTE: The "title" and "subtitle" page elements have the same names // as the default metadata values which may be confusing. To show // metadata item, e.g. "artist", add its value to one of the // title/subtitle fields. Don't try to add an artist page element. "formats" : { // Titles/Footers. // Titles/footers have 3 parts, which are printed left, // centered and right. // For odd/even printing, the 1st background page is used // for left pages and the next page (if it exists) for right pages. // For even/odd printing, the order is reversed. // By default, a page has: "default" : { // No title/subtitle. "title" : [ "", "", "" ], "subtitle" : [ "", "", "" ], // Footer is title -- page number. "footer" : [ "%{title}", "", "%{page}" ], // Background page. "background" : "", }, // The first page of a song has: "title" : { // Title and subtitle. "title" : [ "", "%{title}", "" ], "subtitle" : [ "", "%{subtitle}", "" ], // Footer with page number. "footer" : [ "", "", "%{page}" ], // Background page. "background" : "", }, // The very first output page is slightly different: "first" : { // It has title and subtitle, like normal 'first' pages. // But no footer. "footer" : [ "", "", "" ], // Background page. "background" : "", }, }, // Split marker for syllables that are smaller than chord width. // split-marker is a 3-part array: 'start', 'repeat', and 'final'. // 'final' is always printed, last. // 'start' is printed if there is enough room. // 'repeat' is printed repeatedly to fill the rest. // If split-marker is a single string, this is 'start'. // All elements may be left empty strings. "split-marker" : [ "", "", "" ], // Font families and properties. // "fontconfig" maps members of font families to physical fonts. // Optionally, additional properties of the fonts can be specified. // Physical fonts can be the names of TrueType/OpenType fonts, // or names of built-in fonts (corefonts). // Relative filenames are looked up in the fontdir. // "fontdir" : [ "/usr/share/fonts/liberation", "/home/me/fonts" ], "fontdir" : [], "fontconfig" : { "serif" : { "" : "Times-Roman", "bold" : "Times-Bold", "italic" : "Times-Italic", "bolditalic" : "Times-BoldItalic", }, "times" : { "" : "Times-Roman", "bold" : "Times-Bold", "italic" : "Times-Italic", "bolditalic" : "Times-BoldItalic", }, "helvetica" : { "" : "Helvetica", "bold" : "Helvetica-Bold", // Only helvetica uses oblique, use italic for all other fonts "oblique" : "Helvetica-Oblique", "boldoblique" : "Helvetica-BoldOblique", }, "sans, sans-serif" : { "" : "Helvetica", "bold" : "Helvetica-Bold", "italic" : "Helvetica-Oblique", "bolditalic" : "Helvetica-BoldOblique", }, "courier" : { "" : "Courier", "bold" : "Courier-Bold", "italic" : "Courier-Italic", "bolditalic" : "Courier-BoldItalic", }, "mono, monospace" : { "" : "Courier", "bold" : "Courier-Bold", "italic" : "Courier-Italic", "bolditalic" : "Courier-BoldItalic", }, "dingbats" : { "" : "ZapfDingbats", }, }, // "fonts" maps output elements to fonts as defined in "fontconfig". // The elements can have a background colour associated. // Colours are "#RRGGBB" or predefined names like "black", "white", // and lots of others. // NOTE: In the built-in config we use only "name" since that can // be overruled with user settings. "fonts" : { "title" : { "name" : "Times-Bold", "size" : 14 }, "text" : { "name" : "Times-Roman", "size" : 12 }, "chord" : { "name" : "Helvetica-Oblique", "size" : 10 }, "chordfingers" : { "file" : "ChordProSymbols.ttf", // do not change "numbercolor" : "background", }, "comment" : { "name" : "Helvetica", "size" : 12, "background" : "foreground-light" }, "comment_italic" : { "name" : "Helvetica-Oblique", "size" : 12, }, "comment_box" : { "name" : "Helvetica", "size" : 12, "frame" : 1 }, "tab" : { "name" : "Courier", "size" : 10 }, "toc" : { "name" : "Times-Roman", "size" : 11 }, "grid" : { "name" : "Helvetica", "size" : 10 }, }, // Element mappings that can be specified, but need not since // they default to other elements. // subtitle --> text // chorus --> text // comment --> text // comment_italic --> chord // comment_box --> chord // annotation --> chord // toc --> text // grid --> chord // grid_margin --> comment // footer --> subtitle @ 60% // empty --> text // diagram --> comment // diagram_base --> text (but at a small size) // Bookmarks (PDF outlines). // fields: primary and (optional) secondary fields. // label: outline label (omitted if there's only one outline) // line: text of the outline element // collapse: initial display is collapsed // letter: sublevel with first letters if more // fold: group by primary (NYI) // omit: ignore this "outlines" : [ { "fields" : [ "sorttitle", "artist" ], "label" : "By Title", "line" : "%{title}%{artist| - %{}}", "collapse" : false, "letter" : 5, "fold" : false, }, { "fields" : [ "artist", "sorttitle" ], "label" : "By Artist", "line" : "%{artist|%{} - }%{title}", "collapse" : false, "letter" : 5, "fold" : false, }, ], // This will show the page layout if non-zero. "showlayout" : false, // CSV generation for MobileSheetsPro. Adapt for other tools. // Note that the resultant file will conform to RFC 4180. "csv" : { "fields" : [ { "name" : "title", "meta" : "title" }, { "name" : "pages", "meta" : "pagerange" }, { "name" : "sort title", "meta" : "sorttitle" }, { "name" : "artists", "meta" : "artist" }, { "name" : "composers", "meta" : "composer" }, { "name" : "collections", "meta" : "collection" }, { "name" : "keys", "meta" : "key_actual" }, { "name" : "years", "meta" : "year" }, // Add "omit" : true to omit a field. // To add fields with fixed values, use "value": { "name" : "my_field", "value" : "text", "omit" : true }, ], // Field separator. "separator" : ";", // Values separator. "vseparator" : "|", // Restrict CSV to song pages only (do not include matter pages). "songsonly" : true, }, }, // Settings for ChordPro backend. "chordpro" : { // Style of chorus. "chorus" : { // Recall style: Print the tag using the type. // Alternatively quote the lines of the preceding chorus. // If no tag+type or quote: use {chorus}. // Note: Variant 'msp' always uses {chorus}. "recall" : { // "tag" : "Chorus", "type" : "comment", "tag" : "", "type" : "", // "quote" : false, "quote" : false, }, }, // Retain # comments -- we'll output them. "comments" : "retain", }, // Settings for HTML backend. "html" : { // Stylesheet links. "styles" : { "display" : "chordpro.css", "print" : "chordpro_print.css", }, }, // Settings for LaTeX backend. "latex" : { "template_include_path" : [ ], "templates" : { "songbook" : "songbook.tt", "comment" : "comment.tt", "image" : "image.tt" } }, // Settings for Text backend. "text" : { // Style of chorus. "chorus" : { // Recall style: Print the tag using the type. // Alternatively quote the lines of the preceding chorus. // If no tag+type or quote: use {chorus}. // Note: Variant 'msp' always uses {chorus}. "recall" : { // "tag" : "Chorus", "type" : "comment", "tag" : "", "type" : "", // "quote" : false, "quote" : false, }, }, }, // Settings for A2Crd. "a2crd" : { // Treat leading lyrics lines as title/subtitle lines. "infer-titles" : true, // Classification algorithm. "classifier" : "pct_chords", // Tab stop width for tab expansion. Set to zero to disable. "tabstop" : 8, }, // Settings for the parser/preprocessor. // For selected lines, you can specify a series of // { "target" : "xxx", "replace" : "yyy" } // Every occurrence of "xxx" will be replaced by "yyy". // Use wisely. "parser" : { "preprocess" : { // All lines. "all" : [], // Directives. "directive" : [], // Song lines (lyrics) only. "songline" : [], }, }, // For (debugging (internal use only)). "debug" : { "runtimeinfo" : 1, "a2crd" : 0, "assets" : 0, "chords" : 0, "config" : 0, "echo" : 0, "fonts" : 0, "images" : 0, "layout" : 0, "meta" : 0, "mma" : 0, "paths" : 0, "spacing" : 0, "song" : 0, "songfull" : 0, "ops" : 0, "csv" : 0, "abc" : 0, "ly" : 0, "svg" : 0, "txtblk" : 0, // For temporary use. "x1" : 0, "x2" : 0, "x3" : 0, }, } // End of config.